Products Center
  • FY743 tumble drying oven

    Sketch: Summary:Used for tumble drying of fabrics, garments or other textiles after shrinkage test.Relevant standards:GB/T8629 ISO06330, etcYG743 tumble dryer/tumble dryerInstrument characteristics:The shell is made of high-quality steel by plastic spraying p…

  • Normal temperature and pressure dyeing test chamber

    Sketch: Summary:This machine is used for color matching, fixation, washing, additives and other normal temperature and high temperature experiments. It can simulate the actual production conditions. It has controllable working parameters and good experimental…

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Qingliang Mingyuan, Tianning District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Changzhou zhengda general textile instrument Co. LTD

0086-519-86699858 / +86-13186666973
